Donations Cash or checks are also graciously accepted and appreciated. Please make your check payable to “WCNS” and mail to: WCNS, 3 Tour Ave., New Haven, CT 06515. Make an online donation through Paypal here:
Amazon Smile By selecting Westville Community Nursery School, a portion of each Amazon purchase you make will be donated to WCNS. All you have to do is sign into your Amazon account, select WCNS (here), and make your Amazon purchases through the Amazon Smile page (
Corporate Matching Gifts Many employers will match contributions made by an employee (including spouses). To find out if your company offers a matching gift program, please check with your company’s HR office
United Way If you participate in the United Way campaign at your place of employment, you can designate WCNS as a recipient of your donation.
Your Gift WCNS depends on the generosity of its families, alumni, community and other friends in providing a quality education for the young children in our community. WCNS participates in the New Haven School Readiness grant, which financially assists New Haven families who meet the State of Connecticut's criteria.